We are On the Offensive Side

Recently, I saw a man wearing a T-shirt with a danger sign that read “Educated Black Man”, and down below “Armed with Knowledge.” I was struck by the words somehow. This, I thought, is the true purpose of education: empowerment.   

Growing up with a father whose family values boys over girls, I have always known that education is my way out. The words “Armed with Knowledge”, however, made me realize that education is more than just an escape. Thinking that way puts me on the defensive; it makes me think that I need to prove myself to my dad to be just as smart, talented, and ambitious as guys. But I do not need to prove anything. With my knowledge, I can confront the issue of sexism head on by fighting for human rights, or creating the next great business, or writing a world-changing novel. Proving myself to my father’s family is only a side-product of the primary mission, whatever that is.

I am on the offensive side and I didn't even realize it.  

College education will be my weapon. College has and will open doors for me. A college education has and will continue to expand my horizon, to help me know more, understand more, think more, and leave me wanting to learn more. A college education empowers me to make bigger advances than I have previously dreamt of and it allows me to dream bigger. So is my college education worth it?

Yes, it definitely is.